Improve your customer journey with these 3 steps…

Improving your customer journey will not only result in a better success rate but will also promise happy clients! And happy clients are what we want! Here is a few tips on how you could help to improve your customer journey!



Ensure that you are easily accessible with a fast response time, so that your clients know that you are there for them when they need it most! Delivering a prompt service boosts customer satisfaction and encourages them to retain your business. This will also help to reduce any issues significantly developing, showing a dedicated support system to your client. You are the expert in what you do and your client wants to know that you will be on hand. Remember, satisfied clients results in loyalty, they will be associated with a brand for a lifetime.

However, manage your time well and make sure you have a good work/life balance. Your time is precious, so having clear working hours will help to encourage an understanding with your clients and most clients will respect this!



Emotional understanding makes achieving goals feel natural and effortless. Discuss with your clients what they want to achieve and together build a step-by-step journey of how to get there using your professional experience. This will make the process easy to understand and the results will be effortlessly seamless.

For example, before creating branding for a new client, we construct a ‘discovery call’ to delve in deeper to find out more about the brand. A discovery call is your opportunity to build on the information gathered in the initial touchpoint brief with the objective to gather enough information about the project to provide an accurate result. You want to discover enough to really understand the brand and to be able to translate this visually within the branding. By having a mutual understanding with the client about what is needing to be achieved will ensure that the process will be effortless, for both you and the client.



Keeping up a good relationship with current and past clients is really important! This is what helps to build up your business’ reputation, because we all know how important word of mouth is. We ourselves rely on it. Following up with clients after a project will help to keep that relationship going strong and will also leave a friendly reminder that you are still there, happy to be on hand as and when needed. This could result in new potential projects from previous clients, who know the quality of service that you provide, but also potential new clients who past clients have recommended you to.

Need more guidance or want to discuss further? Book in a Power Hour with our founder Lucianne to help run through any questions and talk in more detail about ways to improve your customer journey! We look forward to hearing from you!

Lucianne Uwins

I’m Lucianne, a creative designer specialising in website design, branding, marketing collateral for businesses large and small particularly within the retail sector. I also love to work with brides and grooms-to-be on their wedding branding, websites, invitations and more.

I help businesses grow using a personalised, hands-on approach to your brand identity and design requirements.

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